
Showing posts from September, 2022

What To Do When You're Not Horse Showing

   Most equestrians are very objective orientated and endeavor to find true success at horse shows. The idea of our game drives us to be serious. We train hard at home to ideally make it around our courses or expert our tests and grab a blue lace. We assault the ring all show season long, pursue focuses, and attempt to arrive at the top as Fall rolls around. Regardless of whether you succeed everybody merits a break after show season where you can simply calmly inhale and have a good time! Horse showing isn't the end all be all with regards to ponies, there are so many other fun exercises you can participate in that will give both you and your pony a genuinely necessary break from the show ring yet have an awesome time. I enjoy a good horse show now and then, but there’s a reason I refer to myself as the hot mess express… horse shows bring out the basket case in me and I end up spending most of the weekend trying to keep my lunch down. My nerves just get the best of me. So over